
Favorite All-American Breakfast in Las Vegas

First, a hat. I wear sun-protection everywhere, even from the tour bus in the parking lot to inside the restaurant Hash House A Go Go. Notice, I come prepared to enjoy food. I have my hair back, all Jan Brady style. Keeps my hair out of the syrup! This is the very popular Sage Fried Chicken & Waffles

Two sage fried chicken breasts with hardwood smoked bacon waffle tower, hot maple reduction and fried leeks

Isn’t it so great to feel fed? A good way to start a rocking night, too! Here’s a link to the whole menu, so you can plan your trip to Las Vegas better.

That’s Ivo my hairstylist. Here is where the magic happens. His hand is like, “Voila!” He even cuts my hair and uses all Paul Mitchell products. If I look good, it’s what Ivo did. At the Paul Mitchell Songwriters Showcase, I sang my “d.y.g.” with 3 horns, 3 back-up singers and my full band. It was really special, have a listen.

Or have a free watch, it’s us live doing it on many different stages, synched to the CD version! Now be sure to have a good breakfast, we love you.
The Shije Band

Get the 12 song album Shije

Alone with the Fire (In Italian)

Alone with the Fire Review “Solo Con Il Fuoco”

Da: Buddy

A: Shije

Inviato il: Giovedi 11 July , 2013

Oggetto: Solo Con Il Fuoco

Ciao Shije!

Scusami la mancanza di comunicazione. Sono stato terribilmente occupato, ho visto solo la mia casella di posta delle mie cartelle aziendali, nelle ultime settimane, così ho aggiunto una cartella Shije in modo che le tue comunicazioni non si perdano in mezzo a tutte le altre cartelle che ho ignorato ultimamente .

Ho una grande selezione di brani di vari  CD che io chiamo la mia ” lista di lavoro “. E ‘ la mia piccola collezione di ” Top 40 ” che ascolto tutto il giorno mentre sto lavorando, e tutta la tua musica è lì . Ogni volta che ascolto Solo con il Fuoco, penso che é una  canzone incredibile. Non ho mai sentito una canzone che si occupa di relazioni violente , che è stata scritta con incredibile intuizione e compassione .

Ho una sorella e una nipote, che sono passati attraverso i rapporti incredibilmente abusivii. Mia nipote è andata da uno all’altro. Io so cosa é come voler uccidere qualcuno. Mia sorella ha sopportato nove anni. Non non ho mai potuto capire. Solo Con Il Fuoco, mette tutto in contesto molto perspicace. Bel lavoro. Penso che va dritta al cuore di ogni donna che abbia mai vissuto tale tormento.

O … forse questo non è quello che era …

Sì, Buddy , quello è esattamente di cosa si tratta.

Per farla ugualmente  a quello che ha detto lei o mi ha detto lui,  dovevo scrivere tutto su carta.  Ogni persona riceve la stessa quantità di misure per “parlare ” proprio come in tribunale di divorzio. L’effetto atteso è meno colpevole e più deludente.

Spero bilanciando cosí i sessi del genere si può toccare gli uomini in relazioni troppo violente…

A differenza di altre mie canzoni, non si parla di lui o di lei , questa e the Fool´s Gold sono decisamente canzoni eterosessuali. Questa canzone che ami, è stata la canzone preferita di mia nonna, pace all’anima sua, Faye, morta nel 2005, sai, sempre me diceva puoi toccare di nuovo quela canzone, con il buco in tasca! “mai imparato il nome di essa e va bene cosí.

Credo che sia stata una terapia di perdonare il marito violento (il padre di mio padre) per vedere chi aveva imparato ad essere duro, a causa della mancanza di informazioni da parte delle generazioni che l’hanno preceduta e che Dio ci aiuti tutti!

Voglio che il messaggio da “Lei si allontana” Molto di più di tutte le idee costruttive non fatali della musica country sponsorizzata da NRA, promosso dal vincitore di Grammy Miranda Lambert “Vado a casa a prendere la mia pistola, ancora non hai visto che mi fa impazzire, ti mostrerò che è una ragazza fatta di polvere da sparo e piombo.” Quella canzone è come quasi un inno, incoraggia le donne a sparare e uccidere chiunque abbia ferito i loro sentimenti. Riempiendo le nostre prigioni con gli americani con basso QI che portano le pistole, a causa di una canzone? Contare su di me!

Ti voglio bene !

Manderò i CD a tua sorella e tua nipote e se volete autografato. Inviami il tuo indirizzo email.


Cara Shije,

“Inviare loro CD io … ”

È molto gentile da parte tua. Io scavare tali informazioni.

Sono assolutamente d’accordo . Abbiamo bisogno di avere più comprensione di condanna. La vendetta non è una soluzione. É sempre piú. Questa disfunzione è insegnata in tenera età . Qualcuno ha detto: “Datemi un bambino alle sette e ti mostrerò l’uomo. “La frustrazione e la rabbia vanno da qualche parte e diventano in il metodo di alleviare lo stress … Per esempio , non si può battere il padre ( o la madre ) … rompere un giocattolo ..tirare gli occhi fuori del osacchiotto. … male a te stesso … crescere … ferire la persona che si ama di più. O come tu hai detto così bene nel testo della canzone, una difesa imparato – ha insegnato e coltivato nell´ignoranza – con conseguenze inaspettate. La tua canzone è un capolavoro. Dico sul serio.

– Buddy



Versione in Italiano

Ed Fernández

Sept 7, 2013

Port Chester, New York

Shije Meets Doctors Without Borders


Learn more! This organization of doctors and nurses volunteer to provide urgent medical care in countries to victims of war and disaster regardless of race, religion, or politics.

Google Play my new single at

Alone with the Fire (In Italian)

Intrevista Shije de “Solo Con el Fuego”

A: Shije

De: Buddy

Enviado el: Jueves, 11 de julio 2013 18:53
Asunto: Solo Con el Fuego

 Hola Shije!

Discúlpame la falta de comunicación. He estado terriblemente ocupado, sólo he visto mi carpeta de bandeja de entrada de negocias en las últimas semanas, por eso añadí una carpeta de Shije para que tus comunicaciones no se pierdan en medio de todas las otras, que he estado ignorando últimamente.

Tengo una gran selección de canciones de varios CD que yo llamo mi “lista de trabajo”. Es mi propia pequeña colección de “Las Mejores 40” que escucho todo el día mientras trabajo, y toda la música está ahí. Cada vez que escucho a Solo Con El Fuego, creo que es una canción increíble. Nunca había escuchado una canción que trate sobre relaciones abusivas, que haya sido escrita con increíble visión y compasión.

Tengo una hermana y también una sobrina, que pasaron por relaciones muy abusivas. Mi sobrina iba de una a otra. Sé lo que es querer matar a alguien. Mi hermana aguantó 9 años. Nunca pude entender eso. Solo Con El Fuego pone todo en un contexto muy perceptivo. Buen trabajo. Creo que va directo al corazón de toda mujer que haya vivido alguna vez ese tormento.

 – Buddy

O … tal vez eso no sea de lo que se trataba …

Sí, Buddy eso es exactamente de lo que se trata.

Para que sea algo igual de lo que él dijo y ella dijo, tenía que escribirlo todo en papel. Cada persona tiene la misma cantidad de tiempo para “hablar” por igual en una corte de divorcio. El efecto que esperaba es menos culpable y más decepcionante.

Espero que equilibrando los géneros así, pueda también hacer sentir a los hombres que tienen relaciones abusivas….

Espero que equilibrando los géneros así, pueda también hacer sentir a los hombres que tienen relaciones abusivas ….

A diferencia de mis otras canciones, no hablan de él o de ella, ésta y El Oro de Tontos, son canciones decididamente heterosexuales. Esta canción que te encanta, fue la canción favorita de mi abuela paterna, que descanse en paz, Faye, falleció en el 2005, hombre le gustaba ese rock, y decía “Tócame de nuevo esa canción, la del hueco en mi bolsillo!” Nunca se aprendió el nombre de la misma y está bien.

Creo que fue la terapia para perdonar a su marido abusivo (el papá de mi papá) al ver que había aprendido a ser rudo, debido a la falta de información de las generaciones que vinieron antes y que Dios nos ayude a todos!!

Quiero que sea el mensaje que se lleven de “Ella Se Marchó”

Mucho más que cualquiera de las ideas fatales no constructivas de la música country como la NRA (Asociación Nacional de Rifle), patrocinado por el ganador del Grammy Miranda Lambert:

“Voy a ir a casa y sacar mi arma, todavía no me ha visto loca, voy a enseñarle de que está hecha una niña, de pólvora y de plomo”. Esa canción es como casi un himno, alienta a las mujeres a disparar y matar a cualquiera que haya herido demasiado sus sentimientos. Llenar nuestros cárceles, con americanos de bajo coeficiente intelectual, que portan armas de fuego, por causa de una canción? No cuentes conmigo!

Te quiero!

Voy a enviar el CDs a tu hermana y a tu sobrina y si quieres los autografió. Envíeme sus direcciones de correo electrónico.



Estimado Shije,

“Voy a enviar los CDs …”

Eso es muy amable de tu parte. Voy a desenterrar esa información. 

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Tenemos que tener más comprensión que condenación. La venganza no es una solución. Es una escalada. Esa disfunción se enseña a temprana edad. Alguien dijo: “Dame un niño a los siete y yo te mostraré al hombre”. La frustración y la ira se van a alguna parte y se convierten en el método para aliviar el estrés… -por ejemplo – Tú no puedes golpear a tu padre (o tu madre)… O romper un juguete… Sacarle los ojos a los osos de peluche… hacerte daño a ti mismo… crecer… hacerle daño a la persona que más amas. O como lo dijiste tan bien en la letra de tu canción, una defensa aprendida – enseñada y cultivada en la ignorancia – con consecuencias inesperadas. Tu canción es una obra maestra. Lo digo de verdad.

– Buddy

Alone with the Fire (In Italian)

Alone with the Fire Review – English

From: Buddy

To: Shije

Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 6:53 PM

Subject: Alone with the Fire

Hi Shije!

Sorry for the lack of communication. Been so damned busy I have only looked at my business folder inboxes the last several weeks, so I added a Shije folder so your communications won’t get lost amidst all the other folders I’ve been ignoring lately.

I have a large selection of tunes from various CD’s that I call my “Work List”. It’s my own little “Top 40” collection I listen to throughout the day while I’m working, and all your music is in there. Every time I listen to Alone with the Fire, I think what an incredible song that is. I have never heard a song about an abusive relationship that is written with such incredible insight and compassion.

I have a sister and also a niece who have gone through incredibly abusive relationships. My niece went from one to another. I know what its like to want to kill someone. My sister hung in for 9 years. I never could understand that. Alone with the Fire puts it all in a very perceptive context. Nice work. I think it goes right to the heart of every woman who has ever gone through such torment.

— Buddy

OR … maybe that wasn’t what it was about …

Yes, Buddy that is exactly what it is about.

To make it equally he-said, she-said I had to write it all out on paper. Each person gets the same amount of measures to “talk” just like in divorce court. The effect I hoped for is less blaming and more disappointment.

I hope by balancing the genders like that it can touch men in abusive relationships too….

Unlike my other songs that don’t say he or she, this one and Fools Gold are decidedly hetero songs. This one you love was my paternal grandmother’s favorite song, R.I.P. Faye 2005, man she would rock it out. She’d yell, “Play the hole in my pocket song again!” She never learned the title of it and that’s okay.

I think it was therapy for her to forgive her abusive husband (my dad’s dad) by seeing he got that toughness taught to him by the generational misinformation that came before,

and God help us all.

I want “She Walked Away” to be the take away message so much more than any non-constructive yea-unto-fatal ideas in country music like the NRA sponsored Grammy winner Miranda Lambert “I’m gonna go home and get my shotgun, he aint seen me crazy yet, I’m gonna show him what a little girl’s made of, gunpowder and lead.” That anthemic sing-along encourages women to shoot and kill anyone who has somuchas hurt their feelings. Filling our industrial prison complexes with low IQ gun-toting Americans by way of song? Count me out!

Love Ya!

I’ll send CDs to your sister & niece & sign em if you want. Email me their addresses.



Dear Shije,

“I’ll send CDs …”

That’s very gracious of you. I will dig up that information.

I agree wholeheartedly. We need to be much more into comprehension than condemnation. Revenge is not a solution. It is an escalation. Dysfunction is taught at an early age. Someone said “Give me a boy at seven and I will show you the man”. Frustration and anger goes somewhere and the means of dealing with it becomes the method of coping with stress -for example-… you can’t hit your father (or mother)… Or break a toy… pull your teddy bears eyes out… hurt yourself… grow up… hurt the one you love the most. Or, as you stated so well in your lyrics, a learned defense – taught and nurtured in ignorance – with unexpected consequences. Your song is a masterpiece. I really mean that.

— Buddy

Shije Meets Benny Landa: a Sam Ash All-Ages Show

Meet us here. Free, open to the public! New York City! The next Benny Landa at Sam Ash All-Ages Rock Show is Wednesday, September, 11, 2013 at 6 – 9pm.  Sam Ash Music Store @ 333 West 34th Street (between 8th & 9th Aves.)


This Meet and Greet was necessary musical recreation for mid-week, mid-heatwave NYC. Pictured here is the July event. Ah, cool air conditioning blast on a hot day! That’s how Benny’s song feels that goes “We all need a change” and it’s instantly a sing-along. Have a listen.  I was so happy to see


not only expert rock guitarist and singer-songwriter Benny Landa, but also


a Broadway veteran, the man behind the thumpiest part of the music, performing all over town in many orchestra pits, but most notably Rock of Ages, Spiderman and now Cindi Lauper’s Kinky Boots: bassman Ivan “Funkboy” Bodley and the multi-instrumental, also thumpy


Les July, pictured here with Skittles. ( ) Then surprise! I spotted my good singer galpal


Andrea Watts there, taking pictures of guitars and rockstars! We made new musical friends.

In Benny’ Landa’s band is drummer Steve Holley of Paul McCartney & Wings fame. From the press release: “New York musician Benny Landa will be there to play the melodic grooving rock he’s so well known for. Benny’s bringing in some ‘friends’…get a load of his lineup of friends!”


Benny Landa / guitar, vocals (Robert Gordon, Howard Tate, Graham Nash, Carole King, Shije, Otis Blackwell)

Steve Holley /drums (Ian Hunter, Paul McCartney and Wings, Joe Cocker, Julian Lennon)

Chris Palmaro / keyboards (Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin, Sting, SNL band)

Les July / bass, vocals (Dr.Dre, k.d. Lang, General Public, The Bus Boys)


It rocked! I played three different guitars, then I bought strings and picks. Walking home, I saw a fire hydrant opened on 21st Street. I walked right through the spray and felt refreshed, especially after hearing Benny’s songs live. The vocal harmonies, Les, Chris, Benny and Steve nailed them. For being the hottest day of the year, July 17th, (a heatwave advisory day, no less) Benny and Friends had a great turn-out, a full audience and lots of appreciation for the musical gifts these guys have honed. Good, soulful music was just what we all needed, like a big splash of cool water on a hot day.

Late Night Foodie Hoodie

Mamoun’s is my favorite falafel place. Here, have a live video of Santa Ana Winds. The black and white pic above is by Doc Magick, and I’m onstage at The Bitter End on Bleecker Street. How did I find world-renowned, healthy, delicious food after we finished a gig at Sullivan Hall? I found my way there via the app MenuRavesNY.

“You know how much food I can buy for a twen? The band is gonna love this.”

Buy your favorite songs at

Shije Shije Shije

Shije Re-Meets Mighty Mike Schermer — a text message conversation


Shije: Great party! I have a CD for you!! & 18 seconds of you on the Marcia Ball stage


Mike: Beer drinkin backstage schmoozing merch selling panorama
Shije: You named it! I’m putting your CD on my library!! Nice artwork – you can have it back later so you sell it! Put mine on Marcia’s, too!
Mike: Small world thought for the day: when I was ski bumming in Lake Tahoe I played every Tuesday at Bar of America…Steve Kershisnik was my bass and sometimes B-3 player…I have not listened to this disc yet, but we will en route to CT this afternoon.
Shije: He was on Tom Jones’ gig & I think is in the band of TJ in movie Mars Attacks. Pretty much my entire band was pictured in that TJ band scene, shot in Vegas. I was an event planner for PGA events there, after years as a thankless backup singer for an impersonator show. I used TJs band during the day during their 2 week runs every six months. It took 22 months to complete.
M: He ever played you the Tom Jones record recorded in Memphis with the Stax and Muscle Shoals rhythm sections? All cool b side soul tunes that no record company would have ever released…
S: I’ve seen his show 56x, I never wanna hear GreenGreenGrass of Home nor Delilah again!!!!
M: He’s paying the bills.
S: Totally then we’d go all Primus creative. Steve is a fun cat. TJ plays 330 dates a year. Respect!
M: That’s a lot of women’s panties.
S: Oh yes that actually happened. They’d still be on the stage next day at 5pm sound check. Hotel porters would come sweep them up. Grandma gal sizes. TMI?
M: He should make quilts of them and donate them to charity.
S: Quite enterprising! I’ll buy you a sewing machine & spread a rumor that you love big girls’ lacies! All quilts will have a tag sewn in w your lawyers # for quilt cases of STDs or crabs or bedbugs. Not so sexy now is it.   lol
M: No, the danger…is even sexier. And…that would not be a rumor.
S: Tmi ! Lol! I’m on FB w chat w Novak same time. Am I in 10th grade? And you drove the Zamboni? Someone trusted you with the Zamboni?!
M: Not just any Zamboni, they had purchased that from Sonja Henie‘s personal ice rink after a fire had messed it all up and she replaced with one you didn’t hafta shovel out manually…not that she had to shovel out her own Zamboni but…or maybe she did I dunno.
As memory serves me this is more communication between us than our entire childhood combined, much less the 10th grade…not that that’s a bad thing, I’m glad to be in touch…jus sayin.
S: My sister was named after that skater. Our parents didn’t find out they misspelled it til later! #lifeb4Google
M: My middle name is Howard, after my great grandfather Harold, who preferred to be called Howard and they didn’t know until he died.
God damnit…I kinda wanted this CD to suck so our hater car could get a good laugh on the road, but no…it had to be great, thanks…
When did you do this? It’s kinda got a Alanis Morrisette 90s vibe…funkier tho…hope that’s not a dis, I mean that in a good way.
Nice job…Dig Yo Grave, cool tune.
S: Thanks.
M: Well Shije…you’ve achieved a first in this car…we have never listened to a cd all the way through without using the fast forward button…that may not sound like much of a compliment, but you’d have to know the 3 jaded musicians in this car.
S: You, Don & sax? I accept your compliment and the weight it has.
M: Me Don and Damien (drummer).
S: A+ drummer that kid. Plus I respect you all’s opinion, so that means so much.
M: Damien goes “well damn, this is no fun…this chick is actually good” and puts his headphones on. He’s no kid btw, a young 38.
S: Hahaha haters will hate.
M: We get a lot of cds handed to us…
S: But mine is the best ever. You can say it. Joe Bonamassa has. And Prince’s band. I met them at The NAMM show. You’re not alone in loving my music, that’s all I’m saying. You’re in good company. I love people connecting with the stories & writing their own stories out of it. I get the most heartfelt mail.
M: Ummmm…
S: So now, in Austin, you do this A+ solo project on Marcia’s nights off? With those same cats?! Stellar!
M: Thank you!…in Austin a bit, not so much. It’s complicated booking around MB’s sched. 
In California I can get away with it easier because I have a solid relationship with all those venues.
I do a Monday night blues gig in Austin when I’m home, and that band lets me sub it out when I’m not. We do a few of those songs, but it’s more of a straight ahead Texas blues band.
S: Cool…meaning TX covers? ZZ, et al?
M: No…older stuff…T Bone Walker, Freddie King, Albert Collins, BB…and Chicago blues like Little Walter, Muddy etc…but with a Texas attitude…like early T-Birds I guess, especially when our harp player and singer is there…personnel varies week to week, it’s actually the drummer’s band. He and the bass player are the only constants because they don’t tour. It’s super fun…at a funky dive on the eastside, bad part of town…hipsters and swing dancers come there to feel dirty.
There’s this young piano player singer named Emily Gimble on the gig sometimes who you would love…has one of those throwback voices 27 yrs old and sounds like Little Esther or Dinah Washington…
She’s Johnny Gimble‘s granddaughter…google him if you don’t know him…fiddle player for Bob Wills and on hundreds of legendary country recordings.
You…jinxed me…all that talk about Tom Jones and his merch? Or…lack thereof…well, guess who left Marcia’s merch case in the hotel lobby this morning.
S: Oh noooo! Time for a fast FedEx from home! You’re Gordon Lightfooting it!
M: Oh Gordon Lightfoot, not TJ…whatev. I messed up…MB handled it well, I like my boss.
S: Good. lol okay so Matt Andrae & I are doing a song together via Skype! A la Tuck & Patti Unchained Melody.
M: Nice, tell him I said hey.
M: I’m the same way…have an awesome gf, haven’t written in 6 mos.
S: Lol you all only write blues?!?
M: And soul ballads, and dumb funny stuff…you mean there’s more?
Shije in Music Connection Magazine

Shije’s “Piece of the Blue Sky” Goes Worldwide



Available worldwide on iTunes, Amazon mp3, GooglePlay and other stores.

Shije Meets Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray & Shije Meet

Rachael Ray & Shije